I am thrilled to have made it to Amsterdam for the opening of Seth Siegelaub: Beyond Conceptual Art, at the Stedelijk Museum. The exhibition is the first to present an overview of the life and work of the art pioneer, collector and publisher. Full info at Stedelijk.NL
I have a short text on my work with Seth in the catalog to the show, available at buchhandlung-walther-koenig.de

At left, Joseph Kosuth with Seth Siegelaub; “Titled (Art as Idea as Idea) The Word ‘Definition,'” 1966-1968, by Joseph Kosuth installed above sofa, c. 1960s-1970s. New York, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Photograph, resin-coated print 5 x 7″ (12.7 x 17.7 cm). Seth Siegelaub Papers. Gift of Seth Siegelaub and the Stichting Egress Foundation, Amsterdam, I.A.119. The Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York (copyright unknown). Cat.no.: MA2177).© 2015. Digital image, The Museum of Modern Art, New York/Scala, Florence – See more at: http://www.stedelijk.nl/en/exhibitions/seth-siegelaub-beyond-conceptual-art#sthash.4qZcBfGk.dpuf